Contact Search
The Prospector Endpoint enables bulk retrieval of contacts that match user-defined filters.
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Contact Search
This endpoint lets you find contacts based on certain filters like job title, seniority, location, skills and interests.
Name | Type | Description |
X-API-key* | string | Your API Key |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
page_size | integer | The amount of records to return per page (default is 5, maximum is 500). |
from_page | integer | The results page to show (default is 1). |
industries [ ] | array | List of industries (strings) that match a pre-defined list of industries (see the list below). |
company_sizes [ ] | array | List of company sizes (strings) that match a pre-defined list of company sizes. |
company_name [ ] | array | List of user-specified company names (strings) to filter on. |
countries [ ] | array | List of countries (strings) that specify a company's country location, from a pre-defined set of filters. |
states [ ] | array | List of states (strings) that specify a company's state. |
cities [ ] | array | List of cities (strings) that specify a company's city. |
personal_countries [ ] | array | List of countries (strings) that specify an individual's country location, from a pre-defined set of countries. |
domains | string | String containing 1 or more domains (separated by newline characters). Example: "\". |
social_profile_urls | string | String containing 1 or more social_profile_urls separated by newline characters. Example: " /in/edankrolewicz\nlinkedin .com/in/williamhgates" |
roles | array | List of roles (strings) that specify an individual's role in a company. |
job_titles [ ] | array | List of job titles (strings) to filter individuals on. Example: "Programmer". |
job_description [ ] | array | List of job descriptions (strings) to filter individuals on. Example: "Writing backend code in Python". |
seniorities [ ] | array | List of seniorities (strings) that match a pre-defined set of seniorities to filter individuals on. |
skills [ ] | array | List of skills (strings) to filter individuals on. |
interests [ ] | array | List of interests (strings) to filter individuals on. |
summaries [ ] | array | List of summaries (strings) to filter individuals on. |
certifications [ ] | array | List of certifications (strings) to filter individuals on. |
languages [ ] | array | List of languages (strings) from a pre-defined set of languages to filter individuals on. |
schools [ ] | array | List of schools/universities (strings) to filter individuals on. |
work_email | boolean | True or False indicating whether work emails are required for all retrieved contacts. |
personal_email | boolean | True or False indicating whether personal emails are required for all retrieved contacts. |
phone | boolean | True or False indicating whether phone numbers are required for all retrieved contacts. |
exclude_domains | string | String containing 1 or more domains (separated by newline characters) that should be excluded from the results. Example: "\". |
exclude_job_titles [ ] | array | List of job titles (strings) to exclude. Example: "Architect". |
boolean | True or False indicating whether an email is required for all retrieved contacts. | |
departments [ ] | array | List of departments (strings) that match a pre-defined set of departments to filter individuals on. |
personal_name [ ] | array | Names of individuals to search for |
previous_job_titles [ ] | array | Previous job titles of an individual |
previous_company_name [ ] | array | Name of previous companies that an individual have worked in |
personal_states [ ] | array | List of states (strings) that specify an individual's state |
personal_cities [ ] | array | List of cities (strings) that specify an individual's city |
contact_keywords [ ] | array | Keywords to filter individuals on a certain aspect of their persona |
exclude_contact_keywords [ ] | array | Keywords to exclude individuals with an aspect in their persona |
founded_year_from | string | Filter out companies founded before the given year |
founded_year_to | string | Filter out companies founded after the given year |
company_social_profile_urls | string | String containing 1 or more company_social_profile_urls separated by newline characters. Example: "\n" |
keywords [ ] | array | Keywords to filter companies on a certain aspect of their persona |
exclude_keywords [ ] | array | Keywords to exclude individuals with a aspect in their persona |
company_revenues [ ] | array | List of revenues (strings) that specify a company's estimated annual revenue from a pre-defined set of filters. |
last_funding_round_type [ ] | array | List of funding rounds (strings) that specify a company's last funding round from a pre-defined set of filters. |
lead_investor_names [ ] | array | List of names of Lead Investors |
company_type [ ] | array | List of company types (strings) that specify a company's type from a pre-defined set of filters. |
instagram_popularity_min | number | Exclude out all companies below the given Instagram popularity score. 1-100 |
instagram_popularity_max | number | Exclude out all companies above the given Instagram popularity score. 1-100 |
instagram_avg_likes_min | number | Exclude out all companies below the given Instagram average likes per post |
instagram_avg_likes_max | number | Exclude out all companies above the given Instagram average likes per post |
instagram_avg_comments_min | number | Exclude out all companies below the given Instagram average comments per post |
instagram_avg_comments_max | number | Exclude out all companies above the given Instagram average comments per post |
min_total_funding_amount | number | Exclude out all companies that have raise funding below the given funding amount |
max_total_funding_amount | number | Exclude out all companies that have raise funding above the given funding amount |
last_funding_round_to | number | Exclude out all companies that have raise funding after a given date |
last_funding_round_from | number | Exclude out all companies that have raise funding before a given date |
eb_score_min | number | Exclude out all companies below the given ExactBuyer Score. 1-100 |
eb_score_max | number | Exclude out all companies below the given ExactBuyer Score. 1-100 |
technology_score_min | number | Exclude out all companies below the given Technology Score. 1-100 |
technology_score_max | number | Exclude out all companies above the given Technology Score. 1-100 |
social_score_min | number | Exclude out all companies below the given Social Score. 1-100 |
social_score_max | number | Exclude out all companies above the given Social Score. 1-100 |
success_score_min | number | Exclude out all companies below the given Success Score. 1-100 |
success_score_max | number | Exclude out all companies above the given Success Score. 1-100 |
boolean_search | string | Perform boolean queries with OR, AND, and NOT operators. Example: (NOT C++ AND (Java OR Python)) AND Software Engineer |
company_boolean_search | string | Perform boolean queries on companies with OR, AND, and NOT operators. Example: (NOT B2C AND (B2B OR Enterprise)) |
business_models [ ] | array | Get companies having specific business models. Allowed values: saas, b2b, b2c, b2g, p2p, agency, marketplace, ecommerce, startup |
exclude_business_models [ ] | array | Exclude companies having specific business models. Allowed values: saas, b2b, b2c, b2g, p2p, agency, marketplace, ecommerce, startup |
gender | string | Filter by gender: male, female |
exclude_industries [ ] | array | Exclude list of industries (strings) that match a pre-defined list of industries (see the list below). |
country_regions [ ] | String | List of regions (strings) that specify a company's region, from a pre-defined set of regions. |
personal_regions [ ] | array | List of countries (strings) that specify an individual's region, from a pre-defined set of regions. |
exclude_personal_countries [ ] | array | Exclude list of countries (strings) that specify an individual's country location, from a pre-defined set of countries. |
exclude_personal_regions [ ] | array | Exclude ist of countries (strings) that specify an individual's region, from a pre-defined set of regions. |
exclude_personal_states [ ] | array | Exclude list of states (strings) that specify an individual's state |
exclude_personal_cities [ ] | array | Exclude list of cities (strings) that specify an individual's city |
exclude_countries [ ] | array | Exclude ist of countries (strings) that specify a company's country location, from a pre-defined set of filters. |
exclude_country_regions [ ] | String | Exclude list of regions (strings) that specify a company's region, from a pre-defined set of regions. |
exclude_states [ ] | String | Exclude list of states (strings) that specify a company's state. |
exclude_cities [ ] | String | Exclude list of cities (strings) that specify a company's city. |
technologies | array | List of strings that specify the technologies a company uses. |
exclude_technologies | array | Exclude the companies that use specific technologies. |
technologies_operator | string | Get companies that use any technology specified in the technologies field or use all the technologies. Acts as a boolean operator. Possible values: AND, OR |
Pre-Defined Filters
Some fields must contain strings that adhere to the pre-defined categories listed below.